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광주노래방 O1O.5712.0948 광주노래방추천 광주노래방가격 광주노래방문의

광주노래방 O1O.5712.0948 광주노래방추천 광주노래방가격 광주노래방문의

광주노래방 O1O.5712.0948 광주노래방추천 광주노래방가격 광주노래방문의
광주노래방 O1O.5712.0948 광주노래방추천 광주노래방가격 광주노래방문의

광주노래방 O1O.5712.0948 광주노래방추천 광주노래방가격 광주노래방문의

Sreung.The silver blade of the sword revealed its razor-sharp a

ppearance.“W-what are you doing? “Aren’t you afraid of the

imperial law?”“The Imperial Law?”The young man chuckled.

“The imperial law will call me just. “Since you challenged me f

irst and attacked me, wouldn’t it be natural for me to draw my

sword?”“Oh, that’s ridiculous… … .””do.”The young man said.

“Because everyone will say that.”Sonbin urgently looked aroun

d. There were so many people just moments ago, but now ther

e was no one in sight.Everyone was either leaving early or glan

cing from a distance.The same was true for the girls in front o

f him. The girl who had made a big deal of it had rather interest

ing eyes, and the girl who had tried to stop him was also lookin

g at the young man with an expression as if she had no choice.

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No one helped Son Bin or even sympathized with him.’oh my g

od.’In an instant, the feeling of being abandoned alone in the w

orld came over Sonbin. And then a heavy pressure came over h

er, as if everything was clogged.It was the same and even more

desperate feeling than when she had been kicked out of her gov

ernment office not long ago.Jerk, jerk.The young man slowly app

roached holding a sword with a black edge. And as for Sonbin, sh

e couldn’t think of anything, to the point where it was so pitiful t

hat she even thought about it herself.Feeling as if a sharp ener

y was constricting my entire body, I could only stare at the app

roaching blade with a white face.“Let your tongue murmur. “A

careless mouth always brings disaster.”The sword of the approa

ching young man went down diagonally. And it was just about

to be drawn upwards.“That’s not possible.”─────────────

───────────────────────Episode 4. Like water fog

광주노래방 O1O.5712.0948 광주노래방추천 광주노래방가격 광주노래방문의

under the river2013.09.14.hook.An unfamiliar energy enveloped

Sonbin along with a sudden voice. The moment Sonbin felt tha

t an unfamiliar scent had passed by, her sharp sound tore thr

ough the air.Cheaeng!“Tsk.”The young man who was swinging

his sword down was embarrassed and stepped back. He seeme

d to have not simply blocked his sword and retreated, as his

complexion instantly turned blue.As the young man stepped

back, Sonbin felt as if her body became lighter.The sharp ener

gy that had been squeezing her until just now disappeared as i

it were a lie, and she felt as if she had been released from som

광주노래방 O1O.5712.0948 광주노래방추천 광주노래방가격 광주노래방문의

ething.“W-Who are you!”The young man shouted, straightenin

g his disheveled posture. The young man’s companions who wer

e watching from behind also changed their expressions.Sarah.

A soft scent passed her nose again, and a young woman’s voice

came from behind Sonbin.“It’s not a particularly great name, but