광주호빠 O1O.5712.0948 광주텍빠 광주호스트빠 광주정빠

광주호빠 O1O.5712.0948 광주텍빠 광주호스트빠 광주정빠

광주호빠 O1O.5712.0948 광주텍빠 광주호스트빠 광주정빠

광주호빠 O1O.5712.0948 광주텍빠 광주호스트빠 광주정빠

When Chen Yeo-rang pressed again, he frowned slightly as he looked at Chen Ye

-rang as he cut off his words.”I’m trying to talk, don’t press me.””Okay. Okay, tell

me?”“Have you heard of the treasure of heaven and earth?”“A heavenly treasure…

?”Jang Hang shrugged his shoulders and laughed when Cho Il and Cheon Yeo Ran

g made faces that they didn’t know.”Hahahaha, I can’t hear you…”When he laughe

d and received Choil’s stinging gaze, Jang Hang cleared his throat and avoided Ch

oil’s gaze.“Hum-hum…, I mean, have you ever heard of Hansanbi?”“Are you referr

ing to shamanism when you say Hansanbi?””That’s right, you know, so you don’t h

ave to explain.”Janghang nodded his head when he learned the name Choil was Ha

nsanbi. Who doesn’t know its name? 500 years ago, the absolute master who made

his name as the best man in the world, and the absolute strong man who was called

a god of war.Han Sanbi is one of the few known to date as the strongest of the many

광주호빠 O1O.5712.0948 광주텍빠 광주호스트빠 광주정빠

martial arts masters. Cheon Yeorang had also heard of the name Hansan Bi, so she

looked at Jang Hang with curiosity.When Jang Hang focused his eyes on him, he s

miled and said.”The memento Hansanbi left behind is a treasure trove of heaven a

nd earth.”Choil made a slightly surprised face at Janghang’s words. Chen Yeorang

opened her eyes wide and looked at Jang Hang.”If he left behind, it’s a martial la

w…?””That’s right, you can say it’s the best in the world.”At Cheon Yeo-rang’s wor

ds, Jang Hang nodded and crossed his arms on top of his horse.”That’s why the na

me is Gyeongcheonjibo, and that Gyeongcheonjibo has appeared in Suzhou. It’s no

t yet known, but it’s going to be loud in the next few days. Even the top masters mov

e, and I heard that the Demonic Cult also moves.””Magical cult…?”Jang Hang nodd

ed at Choil’s question.”The Demonic Cult, that Demonic Cult is correct. The Demoni

광주호빠 O1O.5712.0948 광주텍빠 광주호스트빠 광주정빠

c Cult is always hiding. Of course, that’s because of the political faction or the issue o

f favors with Uranus, but the group with the most potential is, of course, the Demon

ic Cult. Reports that people secretly came out of that Demonic Cult as well. I read.”

“So you’re saying that because of one Gyeongcheonjibo, so many munpa move?”

Cheon Yeorang asked when his Uranus came out.“Of course, since the treasure of he

aven and earth has the value of turning the sky upside down, the Murim League inte

nds to retrieve that treasure of heaven and earth. It’s something that doesn’t work.

“”Why is that so?”At the end of the first day, Jang Hang said.”The Demonic Cult has b

광주호빠 O1O.5712.0948 광주텍빠 광주호스트빠 광주정빠

ad feelings toward our political faction, Uranus, or, no, toward Murim. If they gain the

treasure of heaven and earth and increase their strength, they will certainly not stand

till and stain Murim with blood. The Murim Alliance is trying to stop that… ….”

“Are you saying that a mere book has such power?”Choil couldn’t understand Jangha

ng’s words. Moorim is a place where people make books.