치평동호빠 O1O.5712.0948 치평동이부가게 치평동정빠 치평동텍가라오케

치평동호빠 O1O.5712.0948 치평동이부가게 치평동정빠 치평동텍가라오케

치평동호빠 O1O.5712.0948 치평동이부가게 치평동정빠 치평동텍가라오케

치평동호빠 O1O.5712.0948 치평동이부가게 치평동정빠 치평동텍가라오케

had come in Cheon Yeo-rang was in pain because of that person. As Cheon Yeo-

rang sat down, Myo Yong-hwi poured tea and said,”I want you to heal the fatigu

e accumulated over the years while staying here.”Cheon Yeo-rang nodded at Myo

Yong-hwi’s words. Myo Yong-hwi, who was looking at the scene, let out a long sig

h at the sight of Cheon Yeo-rang, who did not speak, and spoke again.”Even thoug

h we met for the first time today, I feel like we’ve known each other for a long time

. Actually, when I first heard about the engagement, I hesitated a lot, whether I wa

s right or not. But in the end, I decided to follow my father’s will. After seeing you

, I think I did a good job.”“……!!”Chun Yeolang opened her eyes wide. Every word fro

m Myo Yong Hui was stabbed into her chest with a dagger. And I’m so sorry. She onl

y felt sorry for Cheon Yeo-rang and Myo Yong-hui.She was in a thousand troubles. S

he must speak, she thought. But she didn’t have the courage to speak. If she says she

치평동호빠 O1O.5712.0948 치평동이부가게 치평동정빠 치평동텍가라오케

has someone she loves, she… , She was afraid of what kind of reaction Myo Yong-hui

would have in front of her eyes.”Your complexion doesn’t look good. If you have any w

orries, shake them off now. No one here will harm Sojeo.””yes……!”Chen Yeorang barel

y managed to open her mouth. She did her favor like this, but she couldn’t keep her mo

uth shut any longer. Myo Yong Hui opened her mouth even though Cheon Yeo Lang sa

id a word, and she said with a smile.”Now Sojeo’s mouth is open, and I don’t know ho

w anxious I was to be dumb again. Hahaha…, it’s really nice to see Sojeo talk like this.”

At Myo Yong Hui’s words, Cheon Yeo Rang fiddled with the teacup. In her heart she mus

t speak, she muttered. I have someone I love… , I don’t want to do this betrothal. She tho

ught she should open her mouth a thousand times. It was a short time, but it felt like a l

ot of time had passed.In the end, she mustered up her courage. She mustered up the co

urage to open her mouth. It’s such a tough word for her, but she had to. It’s for each oth

치평동호빠 O1O.5712.0948 치평동이부가게 치평동정빠 치평동텍가라오케

er… , and for the sake of the first day, she thought for a thousand years. She did not wa

nt to deceive Choil.”I…….”When Chen Yeo-rang opened her mouth, Myo Yonghui lok

ed at her.”I have something to say…””Tell me, don’t hesitate and say it coolly.”Myo Yong

Hui thought that Chen Yeo Lang was hesitant and that what she was doing was really lov

ely. That’s why she wanted to hear everything she had to say. Looking at Myoyonghui’s fa

ce, she felt her saliva dry up in her mouth.”excuse me…….”“Lord Soga, this is a message

from the lord to come quickly to the daecheong.”Chen Yeo-lang mustered up her courag

e and opened her mouth. But a voice outside her cut her speech. Myo Yonghui smiled a

nd raised her hand to stop Chen Yeo Lang from speaking. As she got up and went outside

치평동호빠 O1O.5712.0948 치평동이부가게 치평동정빠 치평동텍가라오케

, she asked the warrior who had brought her news. She thought she was having an impor

ant conversation right now, so if it wasn’t important what her father called her, she would

see you later.